For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Week #4: time to practice what I preach…

So there is a bit of life in the pelvic floor and abdominals but they are as weak as sin. I can feel the strain as I haul myself up in bed to feed at 3am – sorry, but I’m afraid no-one can do it properly at that time of night!

The whole posture thing is hard to correct but when I:

(a) squat a bit lower instead of using my back and

(b) keep tall and soften my knees instead of leaning back when I’m holding baby…

………………………………………. it feels far less uncomfortable in my back 🙂

I’m now working hard to practice what I preach so when I’m doing the baby sway – soft knees and still thinking ballooning, walking with her in the sling – ballooning and LIFT UP THE FRONT OF MY PELVIS which draws in all those really important muscles without having to actively think about it…give it a go!!


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