For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Hip pain…is it arthritis??

Reading between the lines with a few of these patients there seems to be a bit of ‘catastrophising’… they start talking about the need for a hip replacement within a few minutes of an assessment. Hold your horses!!
Not every hip pain is osteoarthritis (OA) and by no means does every hip need a replacement. A lot of arthritis processes are slow, gradual and non-painful so plenty of people have arthritis, so much so that we call it normal. It can become a problem when the process reduces mobility, strength, function and causes pain. Research has shown links to several factors that would increase likelihood of OA such as the the obvious age thing, obesity, but also previous joint injury or trauma, genetics, demographics (females and caucasians) and gut dysbiosis.
In most cases non-surgical interventions really help, believe it or not. Increasing joint mobility and muscle strength reduces joint pressures and can reduce pain and improve disability. So much so that most people can’t get to see an orthopaedic practitioner without having had some physio.
Here’s a video with a couple of basic tests that we would use in the clinic to get a gauge of functional mobility, strength, patterning and balance. These tests can be exercises too and not a bad place to start if you think you’re having issues with your hip.
If you think your hip could do with an expert eye (and hands) cast over it get in touch; 656340 to speak to someone or book in online here.


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