For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

National Fitness Day

So it’s National Fitness Day, before you switch off, what is fitness? Straight from the dictionary – it is the quality of being suitable to fulfil a particular role or task.  That role or task can be as hard or as easy as is appropriate to you and your lifestyle.  The task may even just…

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Self care and caring for ourselves

It’s self care day this week so perhaps a good time to consider how well we are looking after ourselves. The school summer holidays are upon us and a lot of us will be taking the opportunity to take time off work and spend it with our families. Perhaps you’ll have time to see how…

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Shoulder problems

Hello this is Neil and Nic from Plym Physio and today we are going to talk about shoulder problems, or problems that masquerade as shoulder problems. The shoulder and hip have some similarities but are functionally very different.  The hip has a deep ball and socket joint and favours strength over mobility whilst the shoulder…

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National Injury Prevention day

Injury Prevention day – what is it and who decides. It is the brainchild of the association of personal injury lawyers (APIL).  The aim is to improve public perception of injury prevention.  This may throw up images of industrial accidents or car crashes but injuries can be prevented at much more personal levels. From Plym…

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Wellness at Plym Physio

We are all becoming aware of the increasing importance of ‘wellness’ and this seems to be more so in recent times with the pressures and restrictions of the covid pandemic. In terms of the body and wellness we can think about the two major systems, brain and body. These two systems are inextricably linked with…

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Men’s Health Week

In the theme of men looking after themselves, as a sub species, blokes are a nightmare for it. Often it can be a busy lifestyle where ‘me time’ is just non-existent or it could be that diagnosis makes a problem, something real that has to be dealt with.  Many men are ‘happy’ to limp along…

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Physiotherapy and explanation of hip and associated problems

Nic and Neil’s blog explains general hip pain in day to day life from a physio’s perspective. The hips have a hugely complex job because they have to be very mobile, but also strong enough to cope with multiples of body weight being transferred to them, generally at one time. Where this becomes relevant to…

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Making small healthy changes to your lifestyle

This time I focussed on breathing properly.  Everyone has to breath, so with a small effort this can be made more beneficial.  Then with a small addition of a bit of movement, we then have a nice healthy way to start the day. Start by simply sitting up straight and breathing more fully, concentrate on…

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Neil’s Blog – Building the new you

Just to sit alongside the live video on FB, I thought I would drop a few words in here. I talked a little about why some people find it hard to makes changes in their lives, or topically to stick to new years resolutions. Most people try to make sweeping changes because they are not…

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Locked down and locked up?

The first in our 2 part blog about health in lockdown…. For a lot of people lockdown has brought massive changes to their working lives. One of the most prevalent ones is the change from office to home working. You may or may not be getting occupational health support from work for this but there…

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Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

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