For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

I’ve only gone and done it…….

…….having thought about this for a bit I figured maybe there were other mums out there in the same situation as me; you know you need to do something, probably some strengthening, definitely some leg and abdominal work but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t just do a load of exercises for 20 mins at home on my own, no matter what I keep telling myself and promising I’ll start doing tomorrow! (I can make the excuse of the baby not giving me the time but realistically other things get in the way; washing, feeding, expressing, tidying up and of course eating cake!!…)
So, going somewhere to specifically do some exercise with support, encouragement and with others in the same boat as me would probably motivate me do it.
Hmmmmm, how about a class?pgm
I mentioned it to some mates who are both physios and mums…they thought it was a great idea especially when I said about using our babies as part of the class!
It’s what you’re going to be doing at home, right?!
So……. a physio/pilates/biomechanics/post-natal/pre-natal exercise class is what I’ve decided to do…..come and join me @PPHQ x


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