For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Introduction…Where to start?!

As a Physio working in the area of joint/muscle/sports injuries and having treated a fair few pre and post natal ladies I thought I would be the perfect maternity ‘case study’.

Well, it’s been an eye opener and a few pre-conceptions have been shelved!

I actually have a special interest in movement and muscle control which I’ve preached to patients about for years, to the point of incorporating stuff into the 3 clinical pilates classes I teach each week.

Of course, I thought I would be the model patient and so decided to treat myself, who better?!

I have the knowledge, the motivation -(I’m desperate to get back running) and the vanity (a flabby gut is not a good look in a thong and the summer’s here already!!).

The only negative?……Physios make notoriously bad patients.

However, I decided that I would buck the trend, and how better to ensure that I follow-through with this very personal challenge than by committing to do it in the public arena and be accountable to all those patients I have preached to in the past?………………………………If anyone’s reading of course!

So here goes.


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