For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

So… Plym Pilates and Why Knowledge is Power

Pilates is quite ‘on trend‘ at the moment, but what’s the difference between a class at the local community hall or gym and with us at the Plym Physio clinic??

Background to Pilates
Traditional Pilates was founded by Josef Pilates in the early 20th Century as a ‘fitness’ system to gain a ‘balanced’ body and mind.  In recent years, physios have gotten hold of the idea and modified certain aspects of it to target particular muscles and groups of muscles with controlled exercises to assist in recovery from an injury and to treat chronic problems such as mechanical low back pain.

Why is Plym Pilates Different?
Plym Physio has essentially taken it a step further. Using our knowledge of certain activities and patterns of movement, for example sitting to standing from a chair is essentially a ‘squat’.  Our classes are designed to build up the basic components of these movements; hip bending, knee bending, taking body weight in a vertical line; and then put them together into functional movement patterns. This promotes an efficient and hopefully pain free movement.

Using this concept means we can ‘treat’ any ability or requirement on the spectrum – debilitating back pain with problems standing still, poor mobility and weakness associated with osteoarthritis or osteoporosis to physical workers needing efficient power production and high level athletes.

Therefore, having an instructor who understands these details matters.  A patient who cannot adequately control one part of their body whilst moving another, for example controlling the trunk whilst the hip flexes, means that they may compensate for the lack of control by working an incorrect muscle or muscle group. This affects the efficiency and safety of the correct movement, something that a non-specific Pilates class can not take into account.

Knowledge is Power
And that’s the difference… a knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics as well as the patient means you will be exercising in the most efficient way possible, maximising your time, energy and brain effort! And there is a lot of the latter!

Sign Me Up!
Classes are specific and progressive with several types available to cater for the differing requirements of our patients.  If you want to discuss our classes or your problems then get in touch.


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Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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