For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Physi-go run flyers are here!

The physi-go run flyers have arrived and they look fantastic! I started handing out a few at Park Run last weekend… it was great to be able to run, exercise my dog, and promote a course I developed, all at the same time!  Physi-go run is really gaining momentum now, we’re getting more and more interest, and have been given great feedback from previous course participants:

my running technique is different and better

my running times have improved significantly

it has been very enlightening and really useful

Most importantly, they all enjoyed the class.  As everyone says, enjoyment is a huge part of learning and at plym physio we want you to come away from us feeling positive, feeling confident, and knowing that we are ‘helping you help yourself‘!

What is physi-go run?

The physi-go run course is a structured program with different content each week.  It comprises of a teaching section within the gym area of the clinic, and then a short run section to put into practice everything you have learnt.  It is led by a qualified physio who has developed the course using the latest research, and is also a 5 times marathon runner herself!  The course proactively deals with injury prevention as well as providing help with rehabilitation strategies.  The programme consists of functional mobility, specific strength and conditioning work and biomechanical principles. Everything to help make you a more robust runner with improved running efficiency.

The next physi-go run course starts on 8th March.  It runs every wednesday from 7-8pm for 8 weeks and is suitable for every type of runner, whether a beginner or advanced, there’s always something to learn!

Places are limited so contact us today and book your place on the next course.


Click on the image above to be taken directly to the physi-go run page.



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Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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