For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Knee pain when running?? No kneed…!!

So continuing our running injuries series we are moving up to the commonly bothersome knee. Pain around the front of the knee and knee cap again is a common overuse injury in the running population. It can be associated with slower speeds as it increases the time spent on the leg and the amount of knee bend and therefore force exerted upon it.

At the clinic we look at several things here; running biomechanics as well as movement patterning and strength capacity.

One biomechanical aspect we want to look at is how well you cope with bodyweight over a single leg. It tells us whether you can take that weight and also, importantly, how efficiently you can take it. As with all assessments it is only one part of the puzzle that can cause injury but a very good place to start so here’s what you can test for yourself…

Video 1 – Single Leg Knee Bend.


Video 2 – Bulgarian Split Squat

One favourite exercise of ours is the bulgarian split squat. It addresses a couple of things for us; general knee loading, the ‘knee window’ when the leg is loaded, trunk as well as the pelvis and hip.

As ever, Plym Physio has our running experts on hand to assess thoroughly and establish any inefficiencies you may have and produce rehab programmes to address these.

Physio-go run is the running specialist class as a 1-stop shop for all  your running needs. Call 656340 or email to book your place. New course starts Wednesday 3rd October.


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01752 656340

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