For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth


We’ve been a little quiet on the website blog and social media over the last couple of months, not because we’ve closed but because we’ve been busy!! Initially a huge amount of time went into getting the clinic physically ready to see patients face to face safely. Then we actually got busy seeing patients but now with Neil Peacock (Chartered Physiotherapist) joining the team we’ve got into our ‘new normal’ routine so can start bringing you news, tidbits and helpful stuff again!
Some people might be interested in knowing the measures we’ve put in place to help keep patients and staff safe so Nic has put together a quick video of the changes so you can be confident in your safety at the clinic.

If you want to chat to us about which is the ‘right’ format for your assessment or treatment, either coming into the clinic for a face to face session or having a ‘virtual’ appointment, please call us and speak to one of our Physiotherapists who can help guide you. Our number is 656340 or email if that’s more convenient at

See you soon!


Talk to our friendly team

Got a question? Want to know more about our treatments and classes? Or need to discuss a pain that you just can't get to go away?

Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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