For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Coronavirus Update



Coronavirus Update


We just wanted to let you know Plym Physio is open and operating. We take this pandemic seriously and want to reassure you we have put in place measures to ensure your safety.

For some of you little niggles and aches may be able to be put on the back burner until all of this has settled. For others managing distressing pain and disability may not be something that you can endure for an indefinite period of time.

Therefore we are remaining open for those who need to continue with treatment and are able to attend. We are operating a ‘clean’ clinic with hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities. All equipment is wiped down in-between use. Those that need to be kept ‘socially distant’ can be collected from cars and taken straight into the treatment room without needing to interact with anyone other than the treating therapist.

We have modified our classes, which already operate with small numbers, so that we can operate social distancing and put in place a conferencing system to allow those who are isolating to sign in and not miss out on their valuable rehabilitation sessions.

We are making plans for how to continue to make our services available to our clients in these changing times with online consultations, access to pilates and rehab classes which we will tailor for different client groups of ages and conditions.

As stressful as this time is for all of us it is easy to get downbeat but perhaps we could use this time to address those issues and niggles we’ve been putting on the back burner as now there is potentially the luxury of time and let us ‘help you to help yourself’.


Nic and the Plym physio team


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Got a question? Want to know more about our treatments and classes? Or need to discuss a pain that you just can't get to go away?

Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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