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Week #3: Posture!

So, I’ve caught myself doing exactly what I tell all those people with back pain to be careful of….Posture, the thing that no-one wants to hear!

Why? Because you can change it, for free….but it takes effort, awareness and energy to do so and no magic wand to cure it.

I’ve found myself slumping on the edge of the bed to feed, stooping over to reach that nappy that is just out of reach, bending over to pick the muzzy off the floor whilst holding the baby.

The thing is, I can feel how much harder it is to do it properly. Getting down low requires a pretty good squat and that was something I never had, even in my gymnastic and diving days so what hope have I got now?!

Well, holding a baby in one arm forces you to keep your top half more vertical.

A ‘good’ squat wants to look like a ‘jack-in-the-box’. (With a bit of cheating I can do it!)

Worth practicing as it’s a great exercise for your legs…………..think posture!!

And best of all it’s a calorie burner so bring on that extra bit of cake!! 😉




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